Next to stamp collecting, doll collecting is one hobby that keeps most Americans busy. Some collectors may have just started their hobby out of a single piece that was given to them and everything just bloomed from it. However, there are those who cannot really decide what type of dolls to collect. Acquiring dolls without purpose and sense makes the collection disorganized and may just end up like a pile of old newspapers left to dust in a corner.If you are one of those who like old and vintage items, then this where you can start. The easiest way to start a doll collection is to know if you would like newer items or if you prefer the classic charm of antique pieces. The next thing you may just have to consider though when it comes to collecting vintage and antique items is that this may be more costly than buying newer collectibles. Nevertheless, there is more value and collecting antique pieces since it is rare and most are made of high quality materials such as porcelain and bisque.After careful consideration between new and old pieces, your next objective is to choose the genre that you want to acquire. The doll genres that are commonly part of most doll collectors’ vault are artist dolls, cloth dolls, wooden dolls, baby dolls, fashion dolls, miniature dolls, 70′s dolls, ethnic dolls, ball jointed dolls, and many others. Dolls vary in make and in the way they are assembled. The materials used may not just be the only thing you will have to consider. Even the way it is jointed or connected matters since doll manufacturers of the early 20th century have already made and patented their own method of handcrafting dolls.If choosing a genre is not your cup of tea, then you can expand your horizon and perhaps make collecting easier by acquiring dolls by manufacturer. This is easier for most as most manufacturers have a list of doll series they have created in the past. The variety of dolls that one can acquire using this method can also make the collection more entertaining due to the sets or series created by these doll makers.These are just a few steps of starting a doll collection and acquiring each doll for your collection need not be stressful. So if you are ready to start one, then you may choose the modern Our Generation or perhaps the classic ones from Madame Alexander. Whichever your choice may be, always be sure to keep them well in showcases or storage boxes.
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